GPS works best outdoors. Always test your tracker outdoors before thinking it may not be working or accurate.
We highly recommend that you switch off "set local base station" in the APP settings. This will help improve accuracy and stop LBS positions (blue location point) from displaying.
It is also worth noting, when the tracker is indoors GPS cannot be received. So it defaults to Wi-Fi (green location point). This is not your Wi-Fi, rather it's a midpoint between mapped Wi-Fi signals in the area. These locations are usually accurate within about 30 metres and are set by Google, Apple, Bing and so on.
Once the tracker goes outdoors, press Locate and wait for the tracker 40 seconds for the tracker to update and reposition. A GPS location (red signal) should reappear.
*If your tracker shows Colchester at first, do not fret. That is our location and this is where we test all trackers to ensure they are working, before sending them out.
Please find the video explaining signals, attached.
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